Meaning of (ऐसे छाते की सहायता से गुब्बारे से उतरनेवाला) aise chhate kee sahayata se gubbare se utaranevala,aise chhate ki sahayata se gubbare se utaranevala in english
Other :
Suggested : a folding, umbrellalike, fabric device with cords supporting a harness or straps for allowing a person, object , package, etc, to float down safely through the air from a great height, especially from an aircraft, rendered effective by the resistance of the air that expands it during the descent and reduces the velocity of its fall
Word of the day
(ऐसे छाते की सहायता से गुब्बारे से उतरनेवाला) aise chhate kee sahayata se gubbare se utaranevala,aise chhate ki sahayata se gubbare se utaranevala
. No of characters: 43 including vowels consonants matras.
Transliteration :
aise Chaate kii sahaayataa se gubbaare se utaranevaalaa